Chetran’s- Tofu

by Chetran's

Chetran’s Tofu ensures all these points-

A) RICH IN PROTEIN – Growing children, pregnant mothers and older people need to consume protein-rich foods

B) CHOLESTEROL FREE AND LOW IN SATURATED FATS – People with blood pressure and heart trouble look to this

C) LEAN IN SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES YET RICH INSOLUBLE FIBRE – Focus for diabetics and weight watchers

D) 100% LACTOSE-FREE – For people who are uncomfortable with milk/Dahi/paneer etc (Lactose Intolerant)

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What this ensures:

1- Melt-in-the mouth Tofu – due to 100% coarser factions removal.
2- Softness as desired. Automation enables the manufacture of different standardized softnesses of tofu For eg: “Chetrans Premium Tofu” is actually softer than ‘malai paneer” whilst “Chetrans Herbal tofu” is similar to a soft cheese in texture.
3- International hygiene standards – No hands touch soymilk production
4- Digestibility assured – – Automated systems walk the fine dividing line between adequate anti-nutritional STI destruction yet without denaturing the protein to perfection.

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Chetran Foods Private Limited, based out of Pune, India, offers GREAT TASTING Tofu and soymilk based foods specifically tweaked to suit the Indian palette and Indian cuisine. Softer, juicier tofu! Non-beany soymilk! Light soya bread spreads! And plenty of other items as well.