Soyfit- Soya Dahi

by Vega Industries


Soya Dahi is an aqueous extraction of the soybean resembling milk. The nutritional composition, appearance, and flavor of good quality Soya Dahi is remarkably similar to that of cow’s milk. Soya Dahi has been known in mainland China for centuries.

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Soya Dahi is an aqueous extraction of the soybean resembling milk. The nutritional composition, appearance, and flavor of good quality Soya Dahi is remarkably similar to that of cow’s milk. Soya Dahi has been known in mainland China for centuries. Soya Dahi is used as a breakfast beverage in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan and Thailand. And now its use in Europe and USA and in latin America is extensive for balanced and healthy diet. Alternatively, it can be made into tofu (paneer) or used directly in cooking. The shelf life of the Soya Dahi is 15 days.
salt,sugar,permitted flavours.
No preservatives used.

How to store ?
Soyfit Soya Dahi is having durability of one year without refrigeration. However before drinking you can refrigerate it from 3-5 degree Celsius to have a chill and blended flavour taste. Freezing is not at all necessary and recommended.

When and where to use ?
You can use Soyfit Soya Dahi to anywhere at anytime. In the lunch ,during the evening refreshment or in the evening dinner. You can use it while in the travelling

In the picnics, in daily hectic schedule anytime anyday Its hygienic and quality manufacturing will only deliver health and health anytime anywhere anyday.

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Health Benefits

It is cholesterol free product.
Highly rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.
Lactose free.
Highly digestible and nutritious alternative of dairy and meat cantered diet.

Vega Industries

Very few people know the potential of the soya bean. Future of healthy nation lies in Soya bean. Our dream is to provide the healthy food at affordable price.The Seed of “Tofu” was born in India early in 1976,when the founder of Vega Industries , Shri, Arvind Chandra visited Cornell University in the Newyork, United states of America. The concept of introduction of this product in India and its similarity to Paneer (Cottage Cheese) was discussed there. Nothing happened for 10 years but then Mr. Chandra decided to chunk up his cushy job and takes the plunge. The Company named Vega Industries started functional in 1986. Mr. Chandra was Pioneer in the soya food products in India.