Vegan City Guide

Vegan City Guide

Find Vegan/Vegan-Friendly Restaurants, Bakeries, Cloud Kitchen, Ice-cream Store, Life-style Store...

Explore Vegan E-Numbers

Explore Vegan E-Numbers

These specific E-numbers (food additives) are sourced exclusively from mineral or vegetable origins.

Join Vegan Group

Join Vegan Group

You can join vegan groups in various cities across India, including Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, and many more.

Find Cruelty-Free Products

Find Cruelty-Free Products

Discover a variety of cruelty-free products on our website, from food and personal care items to dairy alternatives, leather, and much more.

Online Stores for Vegans

Online Stores for Vegans

Discover a wide range of vegan products online! From delicious foods to personal care items and beyond, these stores have various things you need for a cruelty-free lifestyle.