The Vegg – Vegan Egg Yolk


It’s finally here – the Vegg is the first vegan egg yolk alternative, and is the perfect cruelty-free substitute to use in your favorite recipes. Just mix 1 tablespoon of the Vegg Yolk mix wtih 1/4 cup of water, blend, and you’ll have a creamy yolk substitute that’s ready for cooking!The possibilities are endless with the Vegg – you can now make perfect vegan French toast, vegan “egg” nog, frittatas, custards, cakes

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Bohne Tofu and Nutriizo Soy milk are an excellent source of proteins, calcium and isoflavones and are low fat and cholesterol free which provide good nutrition and health.
Bohne Plain Tofu readily absorbs the flavor of herbs and spices added when you prepare a meal and can be used in many Indian and continental cuisines!!
Our products are made using advanced technology to remove the Beany flavor, if any and make them odor free retaining all the Essential nutrients.
Bohnen Nuttri believes in 'Eat healthy and stay healthy' and encourages you to use Bohne Tofu and Nutriizo Soya Milk to build muscle, pump up your immune system, and feel your energy levels soar!!!