by Emkay

Emkay Coconut Based Vegan Ghee (Dairy Free Ghee) is Made of Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil and Sesame Oil. This Is 100% Palm Oil Free and 100%Hyderogenated Fat Free. Let’s see Healthy Benefits of Emkay Coconut Based Vegan Ghee.

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1. Cholesterol Free : We are facing heart attack problems due to Cholesterol whereas Emkay Coconut Based Vegan Ghee has zero Cholesterol so heart attack tension is removed.

2. Low In Saturated Fats : There are 3 Types of Fats. Saturated, Unsaturated and Trans Fats. Saturated and Trans Fats are Bad For human body whereas Unsaturated fats are good. In ghee Saturated fats are found 65-70 Approx whereas Emkay Coconut Based Vegan Ghee has reduced To 31.45 High saturated fats are bad for Heart. So This is Beneficial for heart. Reduced More 50% Saturated Fats is very much beneficial for human consumption.

3. Rich In PUFA – Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids

4. Rich In MUFA – Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids There are two types of unsaturated fats, Poly and Mono Unsaturated Fats.

5. Zero Trans Fats : Trans fats are very bad for human body. whereas Emkay Coconut Based Vegan Ghee has reduced it to Big Zero. and It Is Best for Human Body To Consume Zero Trans Fat Food. Developed Countries are working on lowering saturated and trans fats from our food and increasing unsaturated fats.

6. Rich In Vitamin A & D : No need to explain this as you all know better for vitamin benefits.



Emkay Food Products Believes in Ethics and Truthfulness Which Reflects The Same in All Emkay Products. Emkay Vegan Ghee, Sugar & Dairy Free Tea, Coffee & Milk Powder. Founded by Mr Mukund Parmar in 1996, Emkay Food products has made it it's mission to provide the Indian consumer with healthy, crueltyfree, vegan dairy alternatives.